Nov 17, 2021
Today, I'm interviewing Astrid Mueller. I invited her to share about her experience over the past year of being diagnosed with cancer and how that changed her life. Astrid recently released her new book that helps you give yourself permission to sparkle which we dive into during our chat. Enjoy this conversation - it's absolutely beautiful…
Astrid Mueller helps spiritual entrepreneurs, creative entrepreneurs (and people who really need it) make their life and business more MAGICAL. Clients hire her for Design alchemy, Brand Strategy consulting, and workshops that empower, heal, energize + bring joy. She wrote a book called "Permission To Sparkle" with a fun intuitive card game.
She's a breast cancer thriver and learned how to sparkle through any life challenges. She believes that anything is possible always with the right ingredients. She started healing rapidly, and she said that it’s because she's focused on joy, and her sparkle principles and that even within big challenges like cancer, she started living more and more of her dream life fulfilled from within.
Astrid says - So ground yourself, first. ...then just give yourself a moment of love and start there. And then see if you can find faith somehow ...for me I found a full belief in knowing that I will be okay, and (that setbacks) are only temporary, so any kind of faith helps. So if you're like - 'Do I really - I still want to do things here', so please connect with that and then find our own connection to spirit and ask. 'Even I don't know what you are but help me and I want to do this, I want to stay' - helped me find what I need to find so I have a spirit connection.
And then, the game begins with a spark of them to curiosity, and so, how I want in every moment like - hmm... I wonder what I can learn here; hmm... I wonder if this is aligned; hmm... what if this was possible?; what if what the doctor says isn't true… So always listening to, you know, to your height and what feels right to you because we have our own inner wisdom that our pure guidance is right here; and we're supported by my spirit in walking that so we can really walk strong that way.
Learn more about Astrid:
Book -
LinkedIn: astridmueller