Aug 11, 2022
Today, I'm having a conversation with my friend, Simone Griffin. We're talking about the recent overturning of Roe vs. Wade and some of the considerations that we have in our own lives is the importance of economic freedom for women.
Simone and Leisa shares with us their insights:
Leisa: The idea that we can honor and respect one another's beliefs and values. They don't have to be our own, but that doesn't mean that we don't respect them. And that, perhaps, is why we're so passionate about the divisiveness. I mean passionate not in a good way. Like because we're watching people that were pretty darn certain if they were putting a room as tending a party together, they could find plenty of things that would connect them and allow them to be like we are so similar. And yet there are a few beliefs that are different. But the idea that those beliefs start to govern the whole. What's different about us governs us versus what's similar about us. That is what I think we're witnessing in this country...
Simone Griffin believes that everyone holds the power and capacity to become financially successful and sustainable.
Simone currently serves as Vice President of Affiliate Relations for HomeFree-USA, where she oversees compliance, federal and private funding, and Congressional advocacy for 53 affiliate organizations nationwide. She also implements federal government grants, as well as those from various funders and private banks. Throughout the housing crisis, Simone managed a program which acquired, renovated and sold foreclosed homes to low-to-moderate income families. During her tenure, the program placed over 412 first time homebuyers into newly refurbished homes.
Prior to becoming Vice President of Affiliate Relations, Simone served as Executive Director of the HomeFree-USA Homeownership Center in Atlanta, Georgia. In that role, she provided oversight and guidance to a team of Homeownership Advisors and Support Staff in general operations and the execution of foreclosure counseling, homebuyers’ education, downpayment qualification, and the acquisition, renovation, and sale of bank-owned homes in Metro Atlanta. She also headed all local marketing and advertising initiatives.
Prior to joining HomeFree-USA Simone served as Director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF, Inc) Student Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) and SHOP For Wealth. Both programs were designed to encourage homeownership and wealth building opportunities among students at the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Over three years, Simone visited and worked with 60 colleges and universities. 10 students went on to purchase a home within one year of college graduation, and hundreds more took the first steps to repairing their credit and building wealth.
In her 20 year career in housing and financial services, Simone has seen what has worked, what hasn’t, and the best ways to ensure a win-win-win for the consumer, mortgage industry and government. She’s been on the ground serving Americans during incredibly pivotal times, and fully believes that we all win when we find the common ground.
Learn more about Simone: